
  1. Markup Table Merge Cells
Tables can be created very easily. Use the vertical stroke as the first character of the line, and separate each table cell with it:

Download 5o307.MarkupTable.1.2.2.rar fast and secure.

Retail Margin And Markup Table. This table is designed to assist in converting the different methods of arriving at a retail price. Use the multiplier on cost to achieve the desired margin. For example, to achieve a 33.33% margin use a 150% (1.50) multiplier. Home Dynamic Retail 365 Retail 365 SQL Change tracking must be enabled on database 'AxDB' before it can be enabled on table 'RETAILCHANNELTABLE'. Hi GK, try this code MarkupTable markupTable; MarkupTrans markupTrans;; markupTable = MarkupTable::find(yourMarkupCode); markupTrans.clear.

Markup Text

Displays as:

You can use most wiki markup directives in table cells, including !c, !1, !2, !3, bold, and italic.

Literal tables.

If you don't want any markup directives interpreted in the table, then you can use a special form that is preceded with a ! and like this:
Markup Text
Displays as:MarkupTable
ThisTableWillNotInterpret!c any directives''it is treated''
!1 like a literal--and is especially useful--'for test tables.'
^SinceTheyTend* to have WikiWord symbols in them.

No Link Generating tables

If you don't want Wikiwords, URL's or E-mail adresses interpreted in the table, but you do want symbols like !today interpreted, then you can use a special form where your table is preceded with a ^ character:
Markup Text
Displays as:
ThisTableWillExcludeWikiWords, http://linksand
from being parsed,howeverit will respect formatting
and parse symbols like 20210421

Hidden table heads

You can hide the first row of a table. This allows you to write comment tables that just look like ordinary HTML tables.
The complete table still gets executed, the first row is just hidden by a CSS rule.
Precede the first row with a '-'. This also works for literal tables.
Markup Text
Displays as:

Plain Text Tables

See: PlainTextTable

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Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

This topic describes the table collections that must be set up to support some common virtual company scenarios in the Supply chain management module of Microsoft Dynamics AX. For an overview of the concept of virtual companies, and for step-by-step instructions to create table collections and virtual company accounts, see Virtual company accounts in Microsoft Dynamics AX.


The first table in each list is the base table of the table collection. Other tables in the list are referenced by the base table.

Scenario: Share common setup data

Create a virtual company account to share supply chain management setup data among company accounts. Create the following table collections to include in the virtual company.

Bar codes setup table collection

To support sharing bar codes among company accounts, you must include the following tables in a table collection.


Some tables that are listed in this table collection are available only if you are using Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2 or Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3.

  • BarcodeSetup

  • RetailBarcodeMaskTable

  • RetailBarcodeMaskSegment

  • RetailBarcodeMaskCharacter

Problem/Non-conformance types validation table collection

To support sharing problem/non-conformance types among company accounts, you must include the following tables in a table collection.

  • InventProblemTypeSetup

  • InventProblemType

Pallet types table collection

To support sharing pallet types among company accounts, you must include the following tables in a table collection.

  • WMSPalletType

  • WMSPalletTypeGroup

  • WMSPalletTypeGroupMember

Gantt colors table collection

To support sharing Gantt colors among company accounts, you must include the GanttColorTable table in a table collection.

Scenario: Share common groups for accounting, filtering, and reporting

Create a virtual company account to share common groups among company accounts. Create the following table collections to include in the virtual company.

Item model groups table collection

To support sharing item model groups among company accounts, you must include the following tables in a table collection.

  • InventModelGroup

  • PdsDispositionMaster

Some fields in the InventModelGroup table are available only when you are logged on to a company account that operates in a particular country/region. If the InventModelGroup table is shared among companies in multiple countries/regions, you must maintain the following fields in a company that operates in the specified country/region.

  • Physical negative inventory and Financial negative inventory – If the virtual company account includes company accounts that operate in Russia, these fields must be maintained in a company whose primary address is in Russia.

  • Inventory model – If the virtual company account includes company accounts that operate in China, this field must be maintained in a company whose primary address is in China.

Product model groups table collection

To support sharing product model groups among company accounts, you must include the PBACustGroup table in a table collection.

Price/discount groups table collection

To support sharing price/discount groups among company accounts, you must include the PriceDiscGroup table in a table collection.

Rounding versions table collection

To support sharing rounding versions among company accounts, you must include the following tables in a table collection.

  • PriceDiscSmartRoundingGroup

  • PriceDiscSmartRoundingGroupCurrency

  • PriceDiscSmartRoundingRule

Supplementary item groups table collection

To support sharing supplementary item groups among company accounts, you must include the SuppItemGroup table in a table collection.

Production groups table collection

To support sharing production groups among company accounts, you must include the ProdGroup table in a table collection.

Production pools table collection

To support sharing production pools among company accounts, you must include the ProdPool table in a table collection.

Purchase pools table collection

To support sharing purchase pools among company accounts, you must include the PurchPool table in a table collection.

Buyer groups table collection

To support sharing buyer groups among company accounts, you must include the InventBuyerGroup table in a table collection.

Inventory profiles table collection

To support sharing inventory profiles among company accounts, you must include the following tables in a table collection.

  • InventProfile_RU

  • InventProfileRelation_RU

Order entry deadline groups table collection

To support sharing order entry deadline groups among company accounts, you must include the InventOrderEntryDeadlineGroup table in a table collection.

Order pools table collection

To support sharing order pools among company accounts, you must include the SalesPool table in a table collection.

Order origin codes table collection

To support sharing order origin codes among company accounts, you must include the SalesOrigin table in a table collection.

Charges groups table collection

To support sharing charges groups among company accounts, you must include the MarkupGroup table in a table collection.

Charges codes table collection

To support sharing charges codes among company accounts, you must include the following tables in a table collection.

  • MarkupTable

  • LanguageTxt

  • MarkupTolerance

  • TaxItemGroupHeading

    When you share this table, you must also share tables that are related to sales tax groups. For information about which tables to share, see Virtual company scenarios: Financials.

  • ExtCodeValueTable

We recommend that you do not share parameters tables through virtual companies. For this table collection, the related parameters table is VendParameters. Because we recommend that you do not share parameters, make sure that the following settings are the same in all companies that share the MarkupTable table. Alternatively, verify that the expected setting is used in each company, and correct it if necessary.

  • Post to charge account in ledger - When you create a charges code, Debit values are validated based on this option in the accounts payable parameters for the current company.

Scenario: Share common delivery reference data

Create a virtual company account to share delivery reference data among company accounts. Create the following table collections to include in the virtual company.

Modes of delivery table collection

To support sharing modes of delivery among company accounts, you must include the following tables in a table collection.


Some tables that are listed in this table collection are available only if you are using Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3.

  • DlvMode

  • ExtCodeValueTable

  • LanguageTxt

  • MarkupGroup

    When you share this table, you must also share tables that are related to charges groups. For information about which tables to share, see the table collection in this topic.

  • MCRExpediteTable

  • RetailDlvModeAddressLine

  • RetailDlvModeChannelLine

  • RetailDlvModeProductLine

  • RetailShipCarrierInterface

  • ShipCarrierTable

    When you share this table, you must also share tables that are related to shipping carriers. For information about which tables to share, see the table collection in this topic.

Reasons for delivery table collection

Markup table of contents

To support sharing reasons for delivery among company accounts, you must include the following tables in a table collection.

  • DlvReason

  • LanguageTxt

Terms of delivery table collection


To support sharing terms of delivery among company accounts, you must include the following tables in a table collection.


Some tables that are listed in this table collection are available only if you are using Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3.

  • DlvTerm

  • ExtCodeValueTable

  • InventProfile_RU

    When you share this table, you must also share tables that are related to shipping carriers. For information about which tables to share, see the table collection in this topic.

  • LanguageTxt

  • TMSDlvTerm

Destination codes table collection

To support sharing destination codes among company accounts, you must include the DestinationCode table in a table collection.

Shipping carriers table collection

To support sharing shipping carriers among company accounts, you must include the following tables in a table collection.

  • ShipCarrierCompany

  • MarkupTable

    When you share this table, you must also share tables that are related to charges codes. For information about which tables to share, see the table collection in this topic.

  • RetailShipCarrierAccountConfiguration

  • ShipCarrierCompanyAccounts

  • VendTable

    When you share this table, you must also share tables that are related to vendors. For information about which tables to share, see Virtual company scenarios: CRM.

Scenario: Share work time calendars

Create a virtual company account to share work time calendars among company accounts. Create the following table collections to include in the virtual company.

Work time calendars table collection

To support sharing work time calendars among company accounts, you must include the following tables in a table collection.

  • WorkCalendarTable

  • WorkCalendarDate

  • WorkCalendarDateLine

  • WrkCtrProperty

    When you share this table, you must also share tables that are related to resource properties. For information about which tables to share, see the table collection in this topic.

Resource properties table collection

To support sharing resource properties among company accounts, you must include the following tables in a table collection.

Markup Table Merge Cells

  • WrkCtrProperty

  • WrkCtrPropertyLine