
Package Details: typora 0.9.98-1

Typora will give you a seamless experience as both a reader and a writer. Typora saves its files as plain text, using the directory structure of the file system to organize everything hierarchically. It does not matter where the files are located exactly — you just. Apr 09, 2019 Typora is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux. I have used it on my powerful Windows desktop and weak little Linux laptop and found the experience to be equally good on both. An experienced writer who uses a Mac recommended Typora to me and uses it as his primary writing tool.

Package Actions

  • View PKGBUILD / View Changes
Git Clone URL: https://aur.archlinux.org/typora.git (read-only, click to copy)
Package Base: typora
Description: Typora will give you a seamless experience as both a reader and a writer.
Upstream URL: https://typora.io/
Keywords: markdown
Licenses: custom:'Copyright (c) 2015 Abner Lee All Rights Reserved.'
Submitter: duckbrain
Maintainer: duckbrain
Last Packager: duckbrain
Votes: 108
Popularity: 3.47
First Submitted: 2016-09-28 06:28
Last Updated: 2020-12-15 23:41

Dependencies (3)

  • noto-fonts-emoji(noto-fonts-emoji-lollipop, noto-fonts-emoji-blob, noto-fonts-emoji-git)(optional) – Or some other emoji font to see emojis
  • pandoc(pandoc-bin, pandoc-sile-git)(optional) – Import/export for extra file formats

Sources (1)

duckbrain commented on 2019-10-13 00:51

If you get the error ERROR: One or more files did not pass the validity check! or curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404, it might be that upstream has changed/removed a released package. They have a habit of doing that from time to time. Leave me a comment and I'll update the sum (or version).

You can also try cloning the repo and running make update, which attempts to parse the newest version out of the debian repository index and update the PKGBUILD for you.

duckbrain commented on 2019-10-13 00:50

New: The PKGBUILD will build with system electron if you set env ELECTRON=electron while building. Please try this out and provide feedback.


Edit: Thanks NicoHood for the PKGBUILD contributions.

egasato commented on 2020-08-29 13:28

I tried to install typora and got the 404 error your pinned comment warns about.I randomly tried different URLs bumping the version number and both https://typora.io/linux/typora_0.9.93_amd64.deb and https://typora.io/linux/typora_0.9.94_amd64.deb work.

I am not sure whether 0.9.94 is the latest version or not, because downloading the binary file from the homepage provides a version file that contains only the string 9.9.2 and the official changelog file says the latest version is, but the URL https://typora.io/linux/typora_0.9.9.35_amd64.deb returns a 404 error as well.

yochananmarqos commented on 2020-08-27 18:56

See Package etiquette:

When creating a package description for a package, do not include the package name in a self-referencing way.

This should not be installed to /usr/share/, see Electron package guidelines: Directory structure

My PKGBUILD using the tarball with system Electron.


RANP0 commented on 2020-07-16 08:46

the 0.9.92 version might has a problem that can't automatically save image to local folders.(My image location is set as './assets')

if you right click a picture (from Internet) and then click 'copy to assets',you get a warning on the top '复制图片至目标目录失败。 Failed to copy image .ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat 'http://xxx.jpg'

How To Draw A Table Typora

and I think 0.9.89 has another bug that a new picture with a same name will overwrite the old one.

xsmile commented on 2020-06-28 18:20

Multiple files in /usr/share/typora/resources/app/node_modules are writable by everyone, please fix this.

ascii78 commented on 2020-05-23 13:00

I've just added 0.9.87 + hashes to my pkgbuild, unfortunately it seems to download a corrupted .deb. Can anyone confirm ?

irgendwr commented on 2020-05-08 15:48

@duk3m0n this is not how you install from AUR...Either use 'yay' (very convenient wrapper) or read the wiki for the manual approach: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_User_Repository#Installing_packages

duk3m0n commented on 2020-05-08 15:44

Excuse me, I can't install or search typora in aur, the output of 'sudo pacman -S typora' is 'error: target not found: typora'

duckbrain commented on 2020-04-24 15:37

Typora Download

@Samhamsam, I just tried building a package and it worked for me.

The same day you posted your comment, the package direcotry gave a 504 status code on my monitoring. It has since resolved itself, so I suspect that was your issue.

Samhamsam commented on 2020-04-21 23:13

Hi, i get 'ERROR: One or more files did not pass the validity check!' when trying to install.



hatred commented on 2020-01-02 11:54